Thursday 25 November 2010

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate (test enth) is a very popular steroid used by bodybuilders because it is very effective for building muscle, strength, losing fat and it is relatively cheap and easily available. Testosterone is the male hormone and is produced naturally in the leydig cells of the testes and an average male will produce anywhere between 2-11mg of testosterone per day.  Testosterone can cause bodily changes in shape, size and an increase in muscle fibre which are all excellent benefits for bodybuilders.
Testosterone has many benefits by using it alone and should be a great beginner cycle for anyone new to steroids but most of the time testosterone enanthate will be part of a cycle that includes more steroids. Such as, for a bulking cycle, testosterone works well with “deca” and dianabol or anadrol or for cutting testosterone works well with trenbolone or equipoise, although diet plays a large factor in both examples. Testosterone enathate will normally be pinned once or twice per week as blood levels are stable up till the eighth day so there is no need to shoot this steroid too often.
Testosterone Enanthate can be run anywhere between 500mg-3000mg per week normally for a period of 8-12 weeks. Obviously the higher the dose, the more side effects that may occur such as, shutting down of natural testosterone, gyno, water retention, acne, hair loss, increased blood pressure etc. The majority of the side effects occur from the body´s ability to turn testosterone into estrogen. This is known as aromatization. Aromatase Inhibitors can combat this very effectively. Side effects are very controllable, as long as this drug is not abused.

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